A Healthy team makes for successful business

My team of Mind Body Experts and I are here to help your staff reduce stress, think more clearly, feel inspired and healthy, and act mindfully, so that your company can reduce Human Resources costs and turnover, and increase productivity and employee satisfaction.

We design customized programs to assist you in achieving your companies goals.

Our programs are designed to improve employee satisfaction by alleviating their physical, emotional and mental ailments that result from the amount of time we spend sitting in front of the computer. They will improve posture, attitude and focus, and reduce the fatigue, stress, and anxiety caused by the pressures of business life.

They include mindfulness techniques such as:

  • Yoga (union of the mind, emotions, energy, breath, and body)

  • Breathwork (controlled breathing to create desired the results of relaxing, calming, or energizing)

  • Cardiovascular Training (unique movements, appropriate to perform in your office space, to improve circulation, organ function, and mood)

  • Mudras (hand and arm postures that direct energy in the body)

  • Mindfulness (being present with yourself as you focus completely on one thing at a time)

  • Sound Vibration (sound frequencies made with your own voice that slow down unhealthy repetitive thought patterns and create new neuropathways)

  • Meditation (slow down and focusing inward)

  • Ancient Universal Laws (learn why some people are natural leaders, hard workers, excellent team members, and others are less reliable, have a hard time making decisions, and require motivation to remain positive and focused)

Whether a single class, a lecture or presentation, a team building experience, a retreat, or a year long program, Denise and her team of skilled Mind Body Mentors will positively impact your line employees, middle management, and executive team members. All of our sessions are suitable for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, abilities, and fitness levels. Many of our practices can be done from the desk, others require just a little more space than that, and most can be performed in business attire, if need be. With happier, healthier team members, you are well on the way to achieving your companies goals.

Working with us will provide your company with the following benefits.


  • Improves cognitive, creative and concentration skills

  • Decreased back pain and poor posture

  • Reduction of stress and insomnia

  • Increased overall wellbeing

  • Better decision making

  • Create a more pleasant work environment 

  • Supportive teamwork

  • Reduces absenteeism

  • Empowered creativity

  • Improved productivity

  • Release tension and centers the mind

  • Decrease anxiety 

  • Increased motivation

For more information and to receive a personalized proposal for your company, please contact us.