My harmonyum session with Denise truly saved me from a dark place. I was experiencing deep depression, anxiety, exhaustion, and brain fog. I was barely able to get out of bed and I couldn’t manage daily activities. Immediately after my harmonyum session, I felt steady, strong, and revitalized. Over the next several days, I noticed more positive results: my depression was gone, I was relaxed and much less stressed, my concentration was back, I slept well at night and had sustained energy throughout the day. This gentle bodywork is amazing! I love the way it reset my nervous system and balanced my energy.
— Patricia W.

What is Harmonyum?

Harmonyum is a powerful, elegant, spiritual healing system that was developed with the aim of making self-healing possible. It addresses disease at the mental and emotional level so that it may no longer exist in the physical body. Harmonyum leads to glowing health, vigor, happiness and increased longevity through the slowing of the aging process.

How can Harmonyum help you?

Harmonyum promotes excellent health in the body and spirit by nurturing and strengthening one’s primal essence. It promotes profound states of deep relaxation and restores the body to an ideal state of balance and harmony. Continuous treatments release the body’s innate healing wisdom and bestow the effects of years of meditation, bringing you into a higher cycle of manifestation.

Harmonyum is a healing system for this age.

Its is a hands-on healing system designed to recalibrate the nervous system by working directly on the spine. Through a combination of light touch and subtle movements, the parasympathetic nervous system, which is “rest and digest”, is activated allowing the body to move into a deep state of relaxation.It is in this state that the body’s innate self healing mechanism takes over and physical, emotional and mental healing can take over. The Harmonyum healing system is an effective and essential treatment for coping with the demands of modern day life.

The greatest role of Harmonyum in our current times is that the human nervous system is overloaded and in need of support more then ever before.

As levels of burnout, stress anxiety and depression increase and we see an alarming rise in rates of suicide, scientific studies show that the body needs to be in a state of deep relaxation in order to heal. When we are continuously operating from a state of fight or flight, the excess cortisol in our blood impairs the functioning of the higher centers of the brain, negatively impacting our capacity for decision making, focus and clarity. Harmonyum brings the mind and body to a “zero point” state, so that our health can be restored, resulting in sound sleep, improved digestion, better heart function, and heightened youth and vitality. This enables us to live a full productive life free from trauma, stress and exhaustion.

The Science of Harmonyum

Harmonyum is a gentle hands-on healing system directed at the spine, brain and internal organs.

Harmonyum employs the ancient art of utilizing the acupuncture meridians via the body’s electromagnetic field. According to Chinese meridian theory, meridians are the communication structure for energy in the same way that veins and arteries are the communication for blood throughout the body and nerve tracks are the communication for neural messages. The energy that travels through meridians influences all other body fluids such as blood and hormones and all other systems such as the nervous system, immune system and cardiovascular system. The Harmonyum Healing System floods the meridians with the highest vibrations causing a cascade of revitalization to the body and advancement of the mind.

Harmonyum & Chinese Medicine

The development of Harmonyum Healing system is deeply connected to Chinese Medicine. It is a form of qigong, known as medical qigong where the practitioner directs the electromagnetic field coming from their body and hands onto the client. The target of this therapy is based upon acupuncture meridians that have been written about and used in Chinese Medicine for over 5000 years. While the system is quite comprehensive and contains many techniques, there are four meridians that are primarily employed in Harmonyum treatments. The Urinary Bladder Meridian and Governing Vessel are largely associated with the spine and brain and are used in the field of acupuncture to treat a myriad of pain conditions. The Conception Vessel and Penetrating Vessel are located on front midline of the torso. They are used clinically to support the reproductive system, puberty and menopause/male andropause, urogenital system, digestion, cardiovascular system, throat and lungs. The practitioners of Harmonyum learn to use the meridians in their hands to direct this energy so that they may serve as instruments for administration of the technique.

Harmonyum in Clinical Settings

Religious and Spiritual Neutrality
. Harmonyum is a safe and appropriate therapeutic modality for hospitals and medical offices serving patients and clients of all philosophical and spiritual backgrounds. It integrates easily with health plans that include psychology, psychiatry, internal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic and physical therapy as an allied healing modality.

In a Harmonyum treatment, no spiritual advice is provided, no promotion of engagement in a religious activity or affiliation is involved. The treatment session is said to be spiritually neutral. This makes Harmonyum an appropriate healing modality regardless of the spiritual, philosophical or religious affiliation of the recipient. Energy Medicine has received recent interest as is evidenced by the increase in research dedicated to the topic. It has been conducted for the purposes of understanding its existence, mechanism and effectiveness. Harmonyum falls into the category of energy and touch medicine. There are parts that require soft and superficial touch along the spine and other parts that involve projecting an electromagnetic force from the hands. This skill is little understood and the idea that it is even possible is controversial for scientists and the general public. This ability is often tied to the existence of energy meridians that are capable of absorbing and emitting electromagnetic fields. Joines, Bawmen and Kruth investigated the existence of electromagnetic emission from humans during focused intent. They found that certain individuals, who called themselves healers or meditators, were able to control the emission of measureable and significant levels of electromagnetism (2012). In 2013, Baldwin, Fullmer and Schwartz conducted research comparing physical therapy with energy healing for improving range of motion in subjects with restricted shoulder mobility. Other researchers such as Juliano in 2011, Moga and Bengston in 2010, Yin Lo in 2012, Baldwin in 2013 and numerous others have conducted research on energy healing and over time it has become increasingly accepted in the medical fields. 

Acupuncture is a form of energy medicine that works on the energy meridians. It is now considered an essential health benefit in most states of the union and the Affordable Care Act now dictates that all health insurance packages cover acupuncture. Reiki is another form of energy medicine that was offered as a hospital service. According to the American Hospital Association, 15% of American hospitals (more than 800 facilities) offered Reiki as a hospital service in 2007. A joint publication by the American Holistic Nurses Association and American Nurses Association lists Reiki as an accepted form of treatment (Baldwin, 2013).

Harmonyum is the master key to the sacred and holy science that brings peace to the soul, light to the mind and strength to the spirit.
— Dr Joseph Michael Levry