Virtual Classes With Denise
For Physical Therapy, Wellness Coaching and Naam Yoga Classes
During these times of shelter in place we are all swimming in unchartered waters, none of us have lived through a time such as this, we are all trying new ways to continue to serve our clientele. Currently I have moved my Physical Therapy, Wellness Coaching and Naam Yoga Therapies Practice On-Line.
I am available for private appointments and classes via Zoom conference, FaceTime and by Telephone for most of my services that do not require direct hands on body work.
We are apart of a huge rebalancing on the Earth right now and while these drastic changes are bringing disruption to our routines we can feel overwhelmed, frightened and anxious. We are being faced with the perfect storm to change old habits and behaviors that no longer serve us, our communities and the world at large. During these times of uncertainty our number one priority is to remain physically healthy, emotionally strong and safe within our families and communities.
I work as a Health and Wellness Coach to help my clients make positive and lasting changes to their health. I guide my clients through the process of creating a vision for their health and well-being, developing a healthy mindset and healthy habits, and encouraging them every step of the way until they accomplish their goals. During these times I can support you to stay grounded and be connected to what matters most and help design a regular practice that will improve your quality of life in every way. I have a compassionate and holistic style of wellness coaching and I will meet you right where you are so you can step into your highest well-being.
I am also offering regular breath work, meditation, movement and exercise classes during this time see the times listed below.
Currently in Place for April/May 2020:
I am teaching online Shakti Naam Yoga classes to support you in your health, wellness and vitality to help find peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.
( Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings… see below for the zoom link and details )
I am Teaching NAAM 5 at NOON to get your 5,000k Steps in for the day in 45’
( Mondays & Wednesdays…See below for the zoom link )
Private Instruction online for your own personal Breath work, Meditation and Yoga Practice
Personal Wellness Coaching online
Private Physical Therapy sessions online to refine your home exercise program and self help healing techniques.
A suggested donation: $5-$15/class
NO ONE will be turned away if unable to pay for classes.
Please send payments to:
PayPal at , Venmo, or Zelle
@831-247-6230, or you can mail a check to me too...
Just text me for my home address.
You can choose to pay when class is over that day, or for the week or for the month…I’m flexible
Just make a note in comment section. :-))
See the Links Below to Register!
1. Shakti Naam Yoga (90 minute class)
Tuesday's, Thursday's & Friday's Ongoing at 8-9:15am
*BYO mat, pillow and blanket, light a candle and join me for some breath work, chanting and movement for your health. We will be doing exercises that will effect your glandular system, your blood and your nervous system by bringing them into perfect balance and harmony.
I will be teaching you ancient time tested tools to heal the body and boost the immune system to keep your body, mind and Spirit strong.
Your mind, body and Spirit has an innate wisdom that knows exactly what to do when you align to that vibration within. With regular practice, these breathing techniques and sound practices will help you cultivate a clear peaceful mind and a vibrant healthy body. They can be practiced alone or as a valuable tool to complement and deepen your meditation practice. When practiced prior to meditating, they calm your mind, helping you to move more effortlessly into a state of expanded awareness and inner quiet.
*You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Ongoing for the month of May 2020 from 8:00-9:15 AM
Tuesday’s, Thursday’s & Friday’s
Pacific Time ( US and Canada )
*Please Register in advance for this meeting:
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
2. Get your 5K steps in for the day with our "Naam 5" Full Body Aerobic Exercise and Breath Work to increase your Vitality and improve your Immune System! (45 minute class)
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: April 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Mondays & Wednesdays at Noon...take a lunchtime break!
Register in advance for this meeting:
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
I look forward to seeing your beautiful faces because during these times we need community even when we are keeping to our social distancing… We can still meet on Zoom and strengthen together, play together and pray together!
Please keep me posted on how you are doing over these next few weeks and how I can support you best through this transition we are going through together.
Thank you, peace and blessings. Be Well, Be Strong, Be Joyful!
Contact Denise for a complimentary consultation today.